Customer Service Team Health Check Template

Image of Retrowave's Customer Service Team Health Check Template

This is a Team Health Check template for Customer Service and CX teams. Similar to the Spotify Squad Health Check model, this template is designed to help customer service leaders evaluate their team's performance, job satisfaction, and overall well-being across a range of relevant categories.

The Customer Service Team Health Check serves as a strategic tool that provides a deep understanding of which areas require attention and focus. Teams use this tool to continuously improve and enhance the overall team's effectiveness and customer service quality.

Want to learn more about the Team Health Check model and how to execute them effectively? Check out our comprehensive Team Health Check guide.

Service Team Health Check Questions

This Team Health Check template for Customer Service teams has 9 focus areas. And if any of these questions don't work for your team, feel free to skip them.


Problem solving

How good the team feels they are at solving customer issues.


Communication and collaboration

How well the team shares ideas and solves problems together.


Customer satisfaction

How happy our customers are with our service.


Speed and efficiency

How quickly and productively the team hits their targets.


Skills and training

Assessing if the team has the right skills and training for the job.


Team morale

Looks at the overall mood and job satisfaction within the team.


Tools and technology

Examines how effective the team's tools are for delivering high-quality customer service.


Knowledge sharing and process documentation

How clear and accessible process documents and knowledge bases are.


Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance

How consistently the team meets or exceeds service level agreements.

Conduct a Service Team Health Check with RetroWave

Customer Service and CX teams can run Team Health Checks in-person or remotely with RetroWave. Sign up and run your first session for free.

Screenshot of Retrowave's online tool for conducting Team Health Check retrospectives