Product Design Team Health Check Template

Image of Retrowave's Design Team Health Check Template

This Product Design Team Health Check template is based on variations of the Spotify Squad Health Check and different design team maturity models. This retrospective template was designed to help Product Design teams become aware of how well they're doing across a variety of topics that impact team performance, satisfaction, and happiness.

Used correctly, the Design Team Health Check is a powerful tool for helping teams and their leaders know exactly where to focus their attention and continuous improvement efforts

If you want to learn more about the Team Health Check model and how to run them, click here to view our ultimate guide.

Product Design Team Health Check Questions

This Team Health Check template for UX and Product Design teams has 10 questions. Every team is different so feel free to skip some questions or add your own to make it work for you.


Autonomy and experimentation

How empowered designers are to experiment, iterate, and come up with their own solutions


User-driven design

Do designers use learnings from research, surveys, and other data sources


Impact and value

Is the work providing value to the organization and stakeholders


Design quality

How satisfied is the team with the quality of their work


Seat at the table

A measure of how involved designers are with product planning, roadmap creation, and choosing the problems they get to solve


Design process

How well the design process is working for the team



Does the team get enough helpful, clear, and actionable feedback


Mission and vision

How clear the team is on the big picture vision and their purpose



Do designers have the time and opportunity to learn new things



Are team members having fun working together

Run a Design Team Health Check with RetroWave

UX and Product Design teams can run Team Health Checks online or in-person with RetroWave. Sign up today and get started for free.

Screenshot of Retrowave's online tool for conducting Team Health Check retrospectives